Director's Words



In the Word of Lord Broughan.

“Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.”

First of all, I pray to the Almighty to inspire me with Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s hymn. ”Shubh Karman Te Kabhu Na Taroo,” which means to strive hard to do your best.

Education is an important medium for development and to inculcate a sense of national integration and brotherhood in the future generation.

Children have tremendous innate potential, and it should be our endeavour to draw it out to the fullest and enable the child to develop an integrated personality. A child is a sapling, and it is the prime duty of the parents and teacher to facilitate him/her to grow a shady tree in the service of others. DGSG School has created this kind of atmosphere for the children.